How to jog with your pram

Getting back into exercise after having a baby can feel like a big ask but getting out there in the fresh air together can really benefit your mental as well as physical health. Before you start it is important to get clearance from both your own care provider and your baby’s paediatrician to confirm you’re both ready for exercise. Babies will require some time to have the necessary head and neck strength to prevent injury, as you’ll need to make sure all is well post-birth.

Choosing a jogging pram

When you’re choosing your jogging stroller, be sure to check for features designed to keep you and your baby safe. Look for a fixed front wheel that does not swivel, which allows your stroller to continue moving straight forward as you jog, and a five-point safety harness for keeping your infant safe and stable within the pram. Check for well-inflated tires, good suspension and effective shock absorbers, as well as features like hand brakes and a wrist strap to prevent the stroller from getting away from you on hills or if you become distracted at all. If you’re not sure you might consider hiring a jogging pram to try before you buy.

Running with your pram

  • Make sure you’ve got the ok from your OB or care provider that you are indeed eady to run, i.e. your pelvic floor is strong enough to withstand the impact of jogging. Pregnancy hormones will have loosened your ligaments and made your joints less stable.
  • Choose a reasonably flat route for starters. Hills will put more pressure on your joints and can be added at a later time.
  • Make sure the handlebars have been adjusted to the correct height; in line with your waist is usually about right.
  • Have enough space to run behind the stroller.
  • Don’t dangle a baby change bag on the handle-bar as it will push you further away and you could strain your back as well as bang it continually into your little one!
  • Try interval training at first; run for a minute then walk for two. Always leave one but preferably two days in between runs until you’ve built up your capacity again.
  • Wear the right clothing – a properly fitting pair of trainers and layers you can remove. If you are still breastfeeding, consider wearing a seamless sports bra over your usual nursing bra for some added support.
  • Take a water bottle and drink some water before and after the run.
  • Babies can get cold in the pram, so dress them appropriately. Take a drink and some snacks for them too.

Looking to hire a jogging pram for your holiday in Sydney? Click here to check out our Nipper Sport prams for hire.