We do a lot of installing of carseats and capsules round here. Approximately 3 or 4 dozen a week, rising to double that during peak periods. We work very hard to ensure that our fittings always exceed the manufacturer’s instructions and do our best to teach our customers how to safely use their restraint once they leave our premises.
The one issue that seems to arise quite often is whether or not the seat is installed “tightly enough”. There is a perception in the community that a carseat or baby capsule has to be “rock solid” to be safe and that any movement at all is a sign of poor workmanship, incorrect fitment and/or dangerous for the infant. Parents will “test” their child restraint by shaking or pushing it from side to side, and when it moves panic sets in.
A restraint that has a firm relationship to the vehicle is preferred, but this aspect is often taken way too far, with some customers ‘testing’ their fitting by shaking the restraint to prove it’s ‘safety level’. The engineering reality is that nothing that is to survive extreme forces is designed to be rigid. Everything is designed to flex. We do not catch a cricket ball with rigid arm, otherwise we would have a cricket team with multiple broken bones in their arms. The more rigidly a child restraint is attached to the chassis of the vehicle the more force the passenger will have to cope with. This is one ‘perceived benefit’ that attracts consumers to ISOFIX products, thinking that its a tighter = better fitment. Its important to note that seatbelt webbings and mountings exceed the strength of ISOFIX fittings so if your car or restraint doesn’t have ISOFIX you’re not missing out on anything in the safety department.
As long as your capsule or carseat doesn’t move more than about 1.5 cms at the belt path end (ie. where the seatbelt or isofix points are attached) then it is fine. Some movement in some circumstances is perfectly fine. Pushing, shaking or rocking the restraint does nothing and is not an adequate test of correct fitment.
All restraints under the Australian Standard are tested stringently and any restraint installed to the manufacturer’s instructions and used properly each and every trip will keep your baby safe in an accident.
If you have any questions or concerns about your restraint please don’t hesitate to contact our Restraint Fitting Team on 1300859775.